I Nostri Servizi
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Analisi Cliniche
Il Laboratorio Genovese opera dal 1978 nel campo della Diagnostica di Laboratorio. La struttura è accreditata col S.S.R. (G.U.R.S. n. 59 del 21/12/1983).
Dal 2003 il Laboratorio ha adottato un Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità certificato secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.
La professionalità acquisita nel corso degli anni, una struttura accogliente, funzionale e adeguata agli standard di sicurezza e igiene sui luoghi di lavoro (D.Lgs n. 626) e uno staff di comprovata competenza, costituiscono punti di forza del Laboratorio di Analisi Cliniche Filippo Genovese.
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Test di laboratorio
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Informazioni utili
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Ticket ed esenzioni
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Tutela della privacy
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Preparazione al esame
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Il laboratorio
Referti online
Our SANAS accredited histology laboratory offers a diagnostic service to both the private and public sectors. Our large team of anatomical pathologists, technologists and technicians, with vast amounts of experience offers a diagnostic and consultative service on a number of tissue samples including biopsies and resection specimens.
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Informativa referti online
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Regolamento
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Immunocytochemistry
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Immunofluorescence
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Electron Microscopy
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Neuropathology
Alimenti e chimica
We are an industry leader in ensuring exceptional quality testing in our state-of-the-art facilities. Diagnostic tests are used to detect, confirm, or rule out the presence of a disease or medical condition. They can be used to screen for certain conditions in people who are at increased risk; to evaluate the effects of treatment; or to monitor disease progression.
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Complete blood counts
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Anticoagulant Therapy Monitoring
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Blood Chemistry Analyses
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Therapeutic drug monitoring
Studi professionali
Our comprehensive and highly sensitive and specific range of tests can detect genetic alterations that drive tumor growth in all types of cancer. We are highly experienced in characterizing mechanisms of action of targeted therapies, particularly against epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), as well as other tyrosine kinase inhibitors. We perform:
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Mutation analysis in tumor tissue and blood
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Gene amplification and translocation testing
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Gene expression
Genes are DNA instructions that we all inherit from our parents. Different “mistakes” in our genes, called mutations, can cause different diseases. Some of these diseases are rare, like cystic fibrosis or Huntington’s disease, others are common, like cancer. Genetic tests can be used to confirm the diagnosis or give you information about possible development of a disease.
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]PCR
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]DNA Sequencing
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Cytogenetics (Karyotyping and FISH)
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Microarrays
Aside from tissue biopsy, cytology serves as an indispensable tool in screening and diagnosing cancer. In this technique, a cytological material is obtained from the patient, spread onto glass slides for microscopic examination, stained, screened for abnormalities and assessed prior to the issuance of a final report.
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Gynaecological Cytology
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Non-Gynaecological Cytology
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]BAL Differential Cell Count
Il Laboratorio Genovese
opera dal 1978 nel campo della Diagnostica di Laboratorio. La struttura è accreditata col S.S.R. (G.U.R.S. n. 59 del 21/12/1983) e fornisce servizi nei settori di:
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Ematologia
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Chimico Clinica e Tossicologica
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Batteriologica
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Microbiologica
- [medin_icon icon=”icon-check-mark-1″]Radio-immunologica
Dal 2003 il Laboratorio ha adottato un Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità certificato secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.
La professionalità acquisita nel corso degli anni, una struttura accogliente, funzionale e adeguata agli standard di sicurezza e igiene sui luoghi di lavoro (D.Lgs n. 626) e uno staff di comprovata competenza, costituiscono punti di forza del Laboratorio di Analisi Cliniche Filippo Genovese.
A typical eye exam take 1-1.5 hours because we do a comprehensive, dilated eye exam. This includes: dilation, tonometry (a measurement of eye pressure), visual field test (a measurement of peripheral vision) and visual acuity test (a measurement of distance vision).
Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.
Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.
Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.
Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.
Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.
Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.
Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.
Professionalità e Assistenza
Dott. Carmelo Genovese
Medico Chirurgo, Specialista in Patologia Clinica, Specialista in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica
Dott. Gaetano Bartolone
Direttore Tecnico Laboratorio di Analisi Cliniche
Dott.ssa Rosalba Di Lorenzo
Dott.ssa Maria Manna
Responsabile della sezione alimenti e chimica
Dott. Giuseppe Enrico Arena
Responsabile Chimico sezione Alimenti e Chimica
Dott.ssa Antonina Aliquò
Sig.ra Luigia Puliafito
Accettazione Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche
Dott.ssa Maria Concetta Bucca
Laurea in economia e commercio, responsabile commerciale, approvvigionamenti e acquisti
Sig.ra Domenica Grazia Simone
Accettazione Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche
Sig.ra Giusy Parisi
Accettazione Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche
Sig.ra Domenica Gangemi
Accettazione Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche
Dott.ssa Angela La Rocca
Dott. Massimo Rizzo
Biologo, Citopatologo
Responsabile della sezione di Citoistopatologia del Laboratorio Genove
Laurea in Scienze Biologiche e Specializzazione in Analisi Chimico Cliniche.
Professional Member of International Academy of Cytology (PMIAC n. 5882)
Membro e socio fondatore della Società Italiana di Citologia (SICi) dal 1991.
Enrico Lucentini
Consulente per certificazione ISO 9001:2008, UNI EN ISO 17025 ed accreditamento ACCREDIA